About Us

Eat Post Share was founded by Pindot Media Pvt Ltd to improve customer engagement and to share their best experience with the audience through food and travel blogging. They started mainly in Chennai and now expanded to several northern and southern states in India, reaching foreign nations like Singapore. Eat post share is popular among the audience because they provide honest reviews. They go to restaurants and particularly local cuisines from various eateries.

In addition to food reviews and travel stories, their videos occasionally have humorous and funny elements that make them the best entertainment food and travel bloggers.

Our Founder once said, “Networking with the right people who have mastered the food sector helps us improve our knowledge and a better understanding of the food sector, and we soon realized that the easy way to engage with consumers is through food blogging” That was the start of our journey and since now we never take our step back.

However, it’s not going to be easy for any company at the beginning and it’s going to be tough to find the right target audience.  Eat Post Share gradually began to understand the nuances of the social media algorithms and felt at ease with the entire process, as well as the blogging do’s and don’ts, because of their immense hard work, and perseverance. Their videos are entertaining to watch, as are their playlists. If you enjoy watching cuisine videos from various countries.

If you’re looking for inspiration as a gastro-tourist, advice on what to prepare while traveling, or images from all around the globe that will make you hungry just by looking at them, Eat Post Share is the best spot-on place to be.